Thursday, August 27, 2015

LugMod overhauled!

LugMod has been reworked due to some unexpected dead-ends with the original implementation plans.  Here's how it works:

Each player has two different flags which can be set to TRUE or FALSE.  The first is the "encumbrance" flag -- if the player is encumbered, the server sets this flag for them.  The second is the "lug" flag -- this is set by the player using "/lug on" and "/lug off", and viewed with "/lug".  When the lug flag is TRUE, players can pick up items (when not encumbered).  When FALSE, players do not pick up items (passing them over) such as to make the encumbrance mechanics less obtrusive if you do not intend to haul there and then.

When a player is encumbered, they are locked in place. This is accomplished by teleporting the player back to the location of initial encumbrance if they move.  When encumbered, the mod automatically switches the player's lug flag to FALSE; this is so that the player can clear her inventory without it immediately filling back up to encumbrance automatically.

Players will, be default, be able to pick up one stack of items that places them above encumbrance.  This is to ensure that any size stack that fits into a chest-slot can be lifted and restored in the event of chest destruction (or any other way by which it ends up on the ground), addressing the bug where players could not lift stacks heavier than their encumbrance threshold.

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